Thursday, 28 October 2010

Costume I: Rai & Ben's Wedding

Handmade headdress (dyed chicken feathers, plaited leather thong, found beads and shells backed on card [the back of a sandpaper packet, FYI]) and the most beautiful hand painted ruffled silk with a few bits and pieces from Rokit.

This was for a fancy dress wedding reception in a bluebell wood; my make up was done in the reflection of a car window outside some rural station in the arse end of nowhere!

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Got The Clap?

Party invitation, pencil, pen, ink. Just a quick scribble really, which is why the typeface and shading are all over the place. Serves me right for drawing at 2am when I should be sleeping...

Sunday, 22 August 2010

Skin and bone

Ecorche face; part of what I hope will be a series. Pencil and pen.
In a similar vein (anatomical pun intended) GO GO GO to the Wellcome's 'Skin' exhibition. Very interesting.

Ice Ice Baby

Just sayin'.

Los Locos

Design for my friend's band Los Locos. Pencil, pen and marker pen (!)